Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Artist’s Way

I have to admit that I am having some difficulty producing art.  I didn’t think it was going to be easy… I truly didn’t.  There are just so many obstacles to overcome.  I am having a lot of trouble finding the time to work on all of the pieces I have started.  I need help but I know this is something I will have to work out on my own.

vintage summer book

On Saturday afternoon, I visited the bookstore and found this book.  It’s called The Complete Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron.  It’s a trilogy.  Over the past three decades Cameron wrote three books on creativity and they are all found within this one volume.  I feel like maybe I’m the only person in the world who hasn’t read this book.  So far I have only read the introduction but I feel hopeful that it might help me with the artistic  journey.  Isn’t it a gorgeous book?  I didn’t want to crack the binding.  Even the paper is translucent, delicate, beautiful.  I am committing to working through The Artist’s Way and doing my best to complete the exercises therein.  If I find it to be interesting or helpful, I will certainly share my thoughts.


  1. Hello again :) This volume totally looks to beautiful to crack open, but I hope you will. It's on my reading list too - so no, you are not the only person who has not read it!

  2. Crack it open! I encourage you. I can relate to your dilemma… difficulty producing art (or for me finishing). I ran across Lesley Riley's blog and her article 23 Ways to fit Art into Your Day and I really enjoyed it. It was too good to not pass along. I found your blog via Kelly Warren's blog. :) -Leah
